What is it about tall wood that intrigues us, draws us in? Causes us to gaze in awe?

I wanted to share this article with you, of the ten tallest mass timber buildings in the world: https://www.dezeen.com/2023/03/29/worlds-tallest-buildings-mass-timber-revolution/

Moreso, I wanted to point out that our fabrication partner, MAYR MELNHOF HOLZ (MMH) https://www.mm-holz.com/en/, is leading the world with innovative construction products such as XC, a concrete crosslam composite panel. This panel, as well as other mass timber products, was put to good use in HoHo Vienna, the 3rd tallest mass timber building in the world.

Workers on a roof installing red timber panel sheets

Our partner is also considered the second largest glulam supplier in the world. as well as the second largest CLT supplier. Please take this information with a grain of salt, total capacities is constantly changing, and as soon as one publication goes to print it’s usually out of date as another plant comes online or is bought out. Getting accurate, current information is notoriously difficult.

You can, however, put this muscle to work for you! Let Mass Timber Services tell you how!

With less than 3m separating the top 3 tallest mass timber projects in the world, “the tallest” title is extremely close and seems to only be inching higher. What will be the next mass timber innovation that allows us to explode higher in height?

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