“Let us help you design your mass timber building” they said. ” It’ll be called a Design Assist” they said. “It’ll save you money!” they said. $50K-$100K later, what do you have to show for it?
Here’s the thing, if the consultant pushing for the design-assist cannot clearly, concisely and quickly describe the scope and process, then they are not the consultant for you. Too many use the “design-assist” moniker today, to sell mass timber supply projects, without providing any true value.

When looking for a design-assist partner, ensure that they know what the scope, timeline and deliverables are. Any avoidance tactics to this question is unacceptable.
One last thing, in order to properly execute a design-assist, you need EXPERIENCE. Nothing else will do.
If you need help with a design assist, contact the experts at Mass Timber Services. We’ll happily provide a project plan for you and show you what we can do for your project. Clearly and concisely.